Premium or 'paid' room features

In an Ultimate or Deluxe premium room you can serve your own advertising banners. You may also use the static text area of the chat room to provide messages or web site addresses to those who visit your chat room.

see making banners

place your chat room on your web site
When you subscribe to any premium chat room you will be provided with a link that you can place on your own web site.  When a visitor visits your site they will be able to click on the link and open a web based version of your chat room within their browser.  They will enjoy all of the features that the room has to offer including voice and video (depending on their subscription level), and you will enjoy full control over guests from your site with all of the features like the red dot, bouncing, banning, and access list entry, just as if they had joined the room thru the Paltalk client software.

expanded capacity
Depending on your subscription level your chat room can exceed the normal 200 person limit that is imposed on the free chat rooms.

higher visibility
Premium chat rooms are listed in either blue or green so they stand out on the list of chat rooms.

lock your chat room with more than 10 people
You can lock your chat room and exceed the normal limit of 10 users that is imposed on the free chat rooms. When your paid premium room is locked, it will hold as many users as stated by your subscription level.

note:  you can subscribe to rooms with various sizes

'members only' or exclusive rooms
You can create an 'access list' of users who may enter your chat room.  Anyone who is not on the 'access list' will be denied entry to the chat room.

As a 'members only' room, you can even charge a private membership fee to those who wish to enter your room.

This is also THE bullet-proof feature to keep unwanted people out of your chat room!

click HERE to learn more about the access list feature

note:  you may combine this feature with the 'lock' feature to enhance security for your room even more!

enhanced customer service
By subscribing to a Deluxe' or 'Ultimate' room, you can obtain live help online for any issues regarding the setup and maintenance of your chat room.

note:  customer service representatives cannot help you with 'interpersonal problems' - please use the vast array of chat room controls provided to you to deal with unruly users

other benefits
At this time all 'premium' or 'commerce' room subscriptions include our Extreme video service, meaning that when you pay for your chat room your name also 'turns green' and enjoys all of the benefits of a Paltalk subscription.

One of these benefits includes the 'Paltalk pal' being placed on your 'pal list'. This often questioned feature allows you to type commands to our server to use a variety of highly useful but otherwise unknown features.

Two features of interest are...

buddy groups
'Buddy groups' allow you to send a message to multiple people at once.

'Buddy groups' also allow you to send invitations to your chat room to whole groups of users at once.

click HERE for more information about managing your buddy groups

admin monitor
The admin monitor will alert you of all major events in your chat room by sending you a 'Paltalk Notifier' window whenever a 'trigger event' happens.

Trigger events include users opening or closing your chat room, users being bounced from your chat room, etc...

click HERE for more information about the admin monitor