The Paltalk pal

Only paid subscribers will have a 'Paltalk pal' included on their 'pal list'.

The 'Paltalk pal' can be used to perform extra functions which may not be included in the 'GUI' (graphical user interface) at this time.

To use the 'Paltalk pal' you type 'commands' in the text chat area.

These commands are...

gets help about a specific command - example: help bg

admin monitor <on, off>
enables or disables the admin monitor feature associated with your chat room

see admin monitor

bg -list
lists all of the old style buddy groups that you have created

bg <buddy_group> [-owner <nicknmame>] <-add, -del, -list, -create, -remove> [-public] <nickname>
performs a vast array of old style buddy group functions

see more about the old style buddy groups

get groups <phrase>
searches for chat rooms by 'keyword' or phrase

get users online
displays the total number of users logged in to Paltalk

get users in groups
displays the total number of users who are currently participating in chat rooms

get users in voice groups
displays the total number of users currently participating in voice enabled chat rooms

im [-bg] <name> [-online] -text <msg>
send an instant message to everyone in the specified old style 'buddy group'

invite <nick prefix> [, <nick_prefix>] ... [, <nick_prefix>]
sends an invitation to join the chat room that you are participating in to multiple users

invite [-bg] <buddy group name>
send an invitation to join the chat room that you are participating in to an entire old style 'buddy group'

join <group_id>
join a group using the group ID number that is displayed as a result of the 'get groups' command listed above

mode [new_mode]
changes your online status - online - away - dnd - invis

see online status