Sliding notifications

Sliding notifications let you know when your pals log on or log off, send you messages, go into away mode or do not want to be disturbed.

You can manage the way the notifications work from the setup / preferences area.

Another great feature is the ability to keep all of your active messages in a special group that stays at the top of your pal list.

IM handling
Enabling IM handling prevents new message windows from instantly opening and 'flying up' to the top of your desktop screen.  Instead your messages are gathered for you to take at your convenience.

IM handling is a great way to keep track of the many IM windows that you are bound to have open at any given time.  IM handling gathers all of your message windows and sends them to the top of your pal list and places them in an 'active messages' category.

To enable IM handling do the following...

Step 1
select 'setup preferences' from the 'file' menu on the main pal list window

Step 2
select 'Text/IM Setup' from the left hand pane of the setup and preferences window

Step 3
place a checkmark in the top box, labeled 'Pop up an IM window immediately every time I receive an incoming IM' and 'collect active IMs in my pal list'

From this point on all of your messages, opened or unopened will be placed at the top of your pal list in the 'active messages' area.

To retrieve your messages double click on the nickname in the 'active messages' area of your 'pal list'.

Select Sliders from the left pane of the Setup and Preferences window.

Show slider notifications when...

someone IM's me
place a checkmark in this box to get a notification whenever a pal sends you a message

select the amount of time that the notification stays open by using the drop-down menu

Enabling sliding notifications for messages prevents message windows from 'flying up' to the front of your desktop screen.  Instead you will get a notification and the window will remain hidden until you choose to retrieve the message.

When a new message arrives a small window will slide up from the lower right hand corner of your monitor screen that says 'username' has sent you a message

Click on the notification to open the message window if you choose, or wait till later and retrieve it from your 'active messages' area if you have 'IM handling' turned on (see above)

If you do not have IM handling activated your message will be waiting in your task bar at the bottom of your desktop screen.  Select the window to retrieve the message.

pals login and logoff
place a checkmark in this box to get a notification when one of your pals comes online or goes offline

select the amount of time that the notification stays open

click on the notification to instantly open an instant message with this person

pals set their status to away or DND
place a checkmark in this box to get a notification whenever one of your pals goes into 'away' or 'do not disturb' mode

select the amount of time that the notification stays open

a paltalk sponsored show is about to start
paltalk has special shows and live events that we will alert you about by sending a slider message

if you do not want to receive these notifications you can uncheck this box